Title: Fresh Out, May, 27, 2016 (Self Portrait)
Medium: Graphite on Paper
Dimensions: 18" X 24"
Title: Bright Blob.
Medium: Plaster Casting
Dimensions: 18" X 5" X 5"
Title: Box and Mirror
Medium: Oil Paint
Dimensions: 12" X 14"
Title: Things Fall Apart #2
Medium: Wood and Fast Bond on Adobe Bricks
Dimensions: 12" X 16" X 3'
Title: My Mom and Uncle's Green Cards
Medium: Plastic, Paper, Acrylic, Cardboard on Plywood
Dimensions: 13" X 20"
Harley and Mr. J Rendition
Medium: Oil Pastel on paper
Title: The Steps of the Magi.
Medium: Adobe Bricks, Enamel, Spray paint, foam sealant, rock salt
Title: Old Town.
Medium: Graphite on paper
Title: I heard the streets were paved in gold. Medium: Adobe bricks, spray paint, palm fronds, voodoo dolls
Title: Bank Robbery Survaillance.
Medium: Graphite on Paper
Dimensions: 12" X 18"
Title: Things Fall Apart #1
Medium: Wood, Foam Board, Fast Bond
Dimensions: 18" X 24" X 10"
Title: Prison Tattoo Kit Inside College Art Kit With Tattooed Self Portrait (angle 1)
Medium: India Ink, Plastic, Bandana
Dimensions: 10" X 16" X 20"
Title: Head of a Mace
Medium: Clay with Shaner Clear Glaze
Dimensions: 12" X 12" X 8"
La Leyenda de los Volcanes Rendition.
Medium: Ball Point Pen on Paper
Title: The Steps of the Magi.
Medium: Adobe Bricks, Enamel, Spray paint, foam sealant, rock salt
Title: I heard the streets were paved in gold. Medium: Adobe bricks, spray paint, palm fronds, voodoo dolls
Title: Infectious Monster
Medium: Wood, PVC Pipe, Enamel, Insulation Foam, Spray Paint on Plexiglass and Aluminum Saw Horses
Dimensions: 40" X 40" X 60"
Title: They Have Pierced My Hands and Feet.
Medium: Graphite on Paper
Dimensions: 8" X 10"
Title: Prison Tattoo Kit Inside College Art Kit With Tattooed Self Portrait
Medium: India Ink, Plastic, Bandana
Dimensions: 10" X 16" X 20"
Title: Two Chairs Make One
Medium: Leather and Wood with Plastic Wheels
Dimensions: 2.5' X 2.5' X 3'
Grafitti Piece under Hollister Ave. overpass
Smile Now Cry Later
Title: The Steps of the Magi.
Medium: Adobe Bricks, Enamel, Spray paint, foam sealant, rock salt
Title: I heard the streets were paved in gold. Medium: Adobe bricks, spray paint, palm fronds, voodoo dolls
Title: Infectious Monster
Medium: Wood, PVC Pipe, Enamel, Insulation Foam, Spray Paint on Plexiglass and Aluminum Saw Horses
Dimensions: 40" X 40" X 60"
Title: Snare
Medium: Mixed Media on Paper
Size: 4ft X 5ft